Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dear Chawm, 

We just released a new report that details the shocking truth about how much coal goes into the "cloud" where we store our electronic data. 

Giant data centres which store and send the terabytes of pictures, emails, songs and streaming videos we enjoy every day are now one of the fastest growing sources of new electricity demand in the world. Every day, tons of asthma-inducing, climate destroying coal pollution is thrown in the air to keep the Internet humming. 

But there’s hope! The tech industry is led by a few very large companies who can choose to quit the coal habit. Thanks to you, Facebook already has. So today, we’re kicking off our campaign to see Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple -- three of the largest owners of data centres in the world -- make the switch. You can help us get their attention by being one of 100,000 people to write a message in the next 48 hours. 

Getting the Internet off coal is a big deal. But here’s why we can do it:

1) It’s innovative: These companies are the most cutting-edge in the world and they are still using 19th century power sources. They don’t want customers associating their brand with poisoning the air and wrecking the climate. Facebook and Google are doing it already and Apple, Microsoft and Amazon should also lead energy innovation by example too. 

2) It’s practical: technology that uses clean and unlimited energy sources like the sun and the wind are available today at the scale required. We’re working with Facebook to make the switch right now, and we’d be happy to work with Microsoft, Amazon and Apple, too. 

3) It’s right: These aren’t evil companies. Their executives care about the world their children will inherit, just like we do.

While the logic and morality may be be on our side, the coal industry is fighting hard and spending billions to keep the tech giants hooked. Breaking the coal addiction will require a massive public outcry. These companies need to know their customers are informed, and we demand change. 

Steve Jobs famously said, “... the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Today, it’s time for these companies to live up to that spirit. And it’s up to us to lead the way. 


Casey Harrell 
International Electronics Campaigner 
Greenpeace International

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