Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Classification of Coal Mining Areas

To facilitate objective, informed and transparent decision on diversion of forest land for coal mining projects, Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) on the suggestion from the Ministry of Coal jointly undertaken a study in nine major coal fields, namely the Talcher, IB Valley, Mandiraigarh, Sohagpur, Wardha, Singrauli, North Karanpura, West Bokaro and Hasdeo and the coal blocks located in these coalfields were classified into following two categories:

(a) Unfragmented forest landscapes having gross forest cover (GFC) more than 30 percent and weighted forest cover (WFC) more than 10 percent, named as category-A or ‘No-Go’ area.

(b) Fragmented forest landscapes having GFC less than 30 % and WFC less than 10%, named as category-B or ‘Go’ area.

The Ministry of Coal is of the view that the MoEF should consider all coal blocks without reference to Go- No Go areas, as per the current statutes and stipulations for according forest clearances. The MoEF is however, of the view that classification of coal blocks into ‘Go’ –‘No Go’ category, though has only indicative value, the exercise undertaken by the MoEF on the initiative of Ministry of Coal has clearly prioritized the forest areas that may be considered for diversion for coal mining by causing least possible damage to the forests and wildlife and hence, it needs to be taken into account while granting approvals under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.

The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure while considering the note dated 26.11.2010 and supplementary note dated 10.12.2010 from the Ministry of Coal regarding “Need for making available more coal bearing areas for enhancing coal production” in its meeting held on 13.01.2011, directed that all pertinent issues may, in the first instance, be considered by a Group of Ministers (GoM), and thereafter, the matter be brought before the Committee. The Cabinet Secretariat vide their Memorandum dated 3rd February 2011 constituted a GoM under the Chairmanship of Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Minister of Finance. Matter is still under consideration of the GoM.

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