Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dear fellow green-minded bloggers,

Dear fellow green-minded bloggers,

The 'climate change is a hoax' zombie has raised itself yet again and is now moaning and groaning its way around the right wing conservative climate-denial blog-and-twitosphere. It started yesterday and doesn't seem to show signs of crawling back underground.

As far as we can tell it seemed to begin with a post from 'Big Hollywood' - 'Lies revealed - Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration' and now includes many other posts, my personal favourite being this addition from The Telegraph - 'Redfaced Greenpeace insists 'we didn't make it up' - we just 'emotionalised the issue'. (Let me clarify we are not red-faced in the slightest.)

The only thing we're admiting is this: BBC got it wrong about arctic sea ice melting.

Please help us make sure the whole story gets told. We have been asking all of our online supporters to do the same through the channels they use: 

Tweet this story. 

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Let's put an end to this climate change hoax nonsense. Tag your blog post with the usual: 'greenpeacebuzz'. Thanks again for your support! 


Laura Kenyon
Online Marketing and Promotions Specialist
@ Greenpeace International
Twitter @Greenpeace
Facebook: Greenpeace International Page
GPI Blog: Making Waves

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