Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dear All,
In less than 48 hours the Indian Olympic Committee meets in New Delhi. They could decide to ignore the 10,000 deaths that Dow Chemical refuses to compensate -- or they could stand for Indians everywhere and boycott the Olympics as long as Dow is a sponsor.
Tomorrow Jalaluddin Rizvi’s Change.org petition will be delivered directly to the Indian Olympic Committee by a group of Bhopal survivors.

There’s not much time, and every signature makes the call more powerful. You've already signed -- but could you also ask everyone you know to sign by sharing the petition directly to Facebook, and sending an email to everyone you know?

Last week Arjuna award-winner & Ex Hockey Olympian Jalaluddin Rizvi started the urgent petition on Change.org, calling on the Indian Olympic Association to boycott the London Olympics as long as Dow Chemical was a spo nsor. National and international pressure is growing quickly, as lakhs of people join a huge outcry.

The Indian Olympic Committee has been forced to respond -- and in less than 48 hours they’ll meet to make their decision. When Bhopal survivors deliver thousands of signatures from across the country they’ll know India is watching.

Help Jalaluddin get as many signatures as he can. Share the petition on Facebook and send the link to everyone you know.

Thanks for being part of this,

Tamseel and the Change.org team.

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