Friday, November 11, 2011

Prime Minister’s Statement to Media After a Meeting with Prime Minister of Pakistan in Maldives

Following is the text of Prime Minister’s statement to the media at the Joint Press Meet at Addu Atoll, Maldives:

“I have always regarded Prime Minister Gilani as a man of peace. Every time I have met him in the last three years, this belief has been further strengthened.

We have today had a very extensive discussion of relations of our two countries. We started a new process in Thimphu last year. That dialogue process has yielded some positive results. But more needs to be done. And, therefore, we have decided that we will resume this dialogue with the expectation that all issues which have bedeviled the relations between our two countries will be discussed with all the sincerity that our two countries can bring to bear on these talks.

I have always believed that the destinies of people of India and Pakistan are very closely linked, interlinked that we have wasted lot of time in the past in acrimonious debates. The time has come to write a new chapter in the history of our relationship. And I am very happy that Prime Minister Gilani fully endorses this view that we have a unique opportunity, and, therefore, the next round of talks should be far more productive, far more result-oriented in bringing the two countries closer to each other than ever before.

I thank you.”

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