Tuesday, November 8, 2011

After thousands join campaign on Change.org, Bank of America halts foreclosure proceedings.

LOS ANGELES, CA – Bank of America has temporarily halted the foreclosure on a home owned by southern California resident Brendon Mendoza after more than 14,000 people across America joined a popular campaign on Change.org supporting Mendoza’s bid to save his home.

Mendoza launched the online campaign on Change.org after Bank of America allegedly lost his documents repeatedly and shuffled him between multiple points of contact while he sought a modification of his home loan. On Friday, Mendoza received a call from Bank of America’s Official Title John Doe offering Mendoza a single point of contact with the bank and a temporary halt to the foreclosure proceedings.

“It’s encouraging that Bank of America has given me two of the things I asked for in my petition,” said Mendoza, who launched the campaign on Change.org, the world’s fastest-growing platform for social change. “I’m frustrated that it took 14,000 people speaking out for me to get them to treat me with respect, but I’ve got new hope that I’ll be able to keep my home.”

Mendoza’s campaign is one of nearly three dozen anti-foreclosure campaigns currently active on Change.org and the most recent to successfully influence a bank’s behavior in a foreclosure. The nonprofit group New Bottom Line recently led a successful effort to stop a lender from foreclosing on a 71-year old cancer survivor. Another campaign begun by Seattle homeowner Vera Johnson successfully stopped the foreclosure by Bank of America on her home and business.

“This is another powerful example of the potential of people-driven change,” said Change.org Senior Organizer William Winters. “From foreclosure prevention to bank fees, the Change.org platform is giving consumers new ways to demand action on the issues they care about.”

Livesignature totals from Brendon Mendoza’s campaign:

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