Monday, March 19, 2012

Generation of Solar Power 

The total installed capacity of grid connected solar power in the country is reported to be 503.9 MW so far. The capacity addition during years 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 is 8.1 MW, 25.1 MW and 468.3 MW, respectively. 

 The total investment for grid connected solar power projects is estimated to be about Rs. 6,000 crores at an average cost price of Rs. 12.0 crore per megawatt capacity. 

 The solar power projects are installed on build, own and operate basis, and the solar project developer is paid solar tariff for the power injected into the grid. No data on the amount of loans granted by financial institutions to developers is provided to the Ministry. 

 11th Plan target of 78,700 MW was revised to 62,374 MW during Mid-term Appraisal of the plan by Planning Commission. The reasons for scaling down the target included delay in placement orders for main plant and civil works, contractual disputes between project developers and the contractors /vendors, delay in land acquisition, environmental concerns, flash flood and difficult climatic conditions. 

 As far as capacity addition through renewable energy, during current 11th plan period, the target of 12, 380 MW has been achieved. 

 This information was given by the Minister of New and Renewable Energy Dr. Farooq Abdullah in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

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