Friday, December 9, 2011

Share of Agriculture Sector in GDP

As per the estimates from Central Statistics Office (CSO), the share of agriculture and allied sector in GDP of the country has declined from 47.6% in 1960-61 to 14.4% in 2010-11 at 2004-05 prices. This is due to structural changes in the economy and more employment opportunities coming up in new areas. The details of the share of agriculture sector in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country from the decade of sixties till the present decade is in the table below:

Year                                           GDP SHARE OF AGRICULTURE & ALLIE SECTORS TO
                                                    TOTAL ECONOMY – at 2004-05 prices (%)

1960-61                                                   47.6

1970-71                                                   41.7

1980-81                                                   35.7

1990-91                                                   29.5

2000-01                                                   22.3

2010-11                                                   14.4

The Government has launched several schemes to increase investments in agriculture sector and thereby improve agriculture’s performance in the overall economy.

This information was given by Shri Harish Rawat, Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

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