Monday, December 12, 2011

Public-Private Pertnership Scheme

The Central Government provides up to 20% viability gap funding under the “scheme for financial support to Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure”. The Central Government has added Education and Health as sectors eligible for viability gap funding under the Scheme for “Financial Support to Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure”. The Central Government is envisaging to set-up 2500 Model Schools under Public-Private Partnership mode to supplement the efforts of State Governments.

Public-Private Partnership in the socio-economic sector, particularly in health and education, fall within the domain of the state governments. Some initiatives have been taken in various States to attract private investment in health and education sector.

There are no built-in-deficiencies in the working or attitude of the State Governments. Since the subject is new, various models are being developed to attract private investment in the health and education sector and it will take some time for the system to evolve.

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