Friday, December 9, 2011

KraussMaffei reaches full use of its increased production capacity for automation systems
Successful plant extension for robots in Schwaig

(Munich, December 8, 2011) Even though production only started recently, the new assembly hall for automation products of KraussMaffei is working at full capacity. The new assembly hall at the Schwaig plant was commissioned today during an official ceremony. With the new production area, KraussMaffei has substantially extended its assembly area for premium quality robots from 670 to 1,720 square meters.

Continuing high demand for automation solutions

"Full utilization of our extended assembly capacities shortly after the start of production is confirmation of the high acceptance of our products among our customers. Thanks to the extension, we can fully cover the rising demand for our ideally coordinated machine and automation solutions", emphasized Dr. Karlheinz Bourdon, Managing Director of the Injection Molding Machinery Division of KraussMaffei. Robots and automation systems for injection molding machines are being produced and assembled in the new hall. The official opening of the second assembly hall of KraussMaffei Automation AG at the Schwaig plant, Oberding (Germany) took place today at 11.00. The opening ceremony was jointly performed by Mr. Martin Bayerstorfer, Erding District Administrator, Mr. Helmut Lackner, Mayor of Oberding, Dr. Karlheinz Bourdon, Managing Director of KraussMaffei, Josef Neureder, Chairman of the Board of Management of KraussMaffei Automation AG, and Thomas Marufke, Commercial Director of KraussMaffei Automation AG. "We were delighted with the shorter construction time. We were therefore able to complete the hall quicker than planned", said Bourdon.

Professional project management reduces construction time

The construction work on the extension started with the groundbreaking ceremony on April 12, 2011. Production in the new hall began on November 1, 2011. The assembly capacity for automation devices was more than doubled in just six months. "This achievement was only possible due to the professional project management and the high dedication of the employees in Schwaig", said Marufke. “I am pleased that our customers also honor our timely and goal-oriented working methods with professional management.". The added value of effective production cells, which are the result of systematic combination of robots and injection molding machines, is confirmed through continually rising demand for customized automation solutions.

Successful concept

Since the company was founded by Josef Neureder in 1982, KraussMaffei has been planning, designing and building automation solutions for injection molding processing based on linear and industrial robots. Assembly work has been performed at the Schwaig plant since 1986. The Schwaig plant was expanded for the first time in 1999 while a secondary plant was opened in Schwerin in 2001. In 2004 additional assembly areas came on stream at the Munich plant.

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