Monday, December 12, 2011

Growth Rate of SSIs

The Ministry of MSME monitors growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by conduct of All India Census of the sector, periodically in the country. The latest Census (Fourth Census) was conducted with reference year 2006-07 wherein the data was collected till 2009 and the results published in 2011. The growth in major parameters pertaining to registered MSMEs viz. Number of Enterprises, Employment and Gross Output, as per Third All India Census of Small Scale Industries with reference year 2001-02 and Fourth All India Census of MSMEs shows annual compound growth rate of 2.61%, 8.60% and 30.26% respectively, recording impressive growth in all these major parameters.

The Ministry is implementing various schemes/programmes relating to entrepreneurial and skill development, credit, infrastructural development, technology up-gradation and marketing, for promoting MSME sector in the country, all of which aim to provide employment opportunities to youth. Some of the major schemes / programmes being implemented are Credit Guarantee Scheme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme, Performance and Credit Rating Scheme, Cluster Development Programme, National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme and Market Development Assistance Scheme. Also, the recently announced Public Procurement Policy, which envisages 20% of the total procurement to be made by Central Ministries / Departments / PSUs would be from MSEs, aims at promoting MSME sector. In addition to these schemes, Government aims to increase the employment opportunities in MSME sector by implementation of the flagship programme Prime Minister`s Employment Generation Programme launched in the year 2008. It is a credit linked subsidy scheme being implemented through Khadi and Village Industries Commission. Also, Ministry imparts skill development programmes through Development Institutes (MSME-DI) and National Institute for Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development., NI-MSME, Hyderabad and IIE, Guwahati to train youth for self employment and wage employment.

This information was given by the Union Cabinet Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Shri Virbhadra Singh in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

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