Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"EU Set to Discuss CO2 Goal After China,India Pledge Action".

The main points highlighted in the article EU Set to Discuss CO2 Goal After China, India Pledge Actionby Ewa Krukowska, Bloomberg, 12th December, 2011.  are given below:
  • In early 2012 the European Union will resume talks about moving to a stricter carbon goal after countries worldwide backed its plan to start work toward a climate treaty that would be enacted by 2020.
  • The 27-nation bloc, with target of reducing GHG emissions by 20 % below 1990 levels by 2020 and option of increasing the target to 30 % if other countries follow suit, is due to submit its new Kyoto goal by May 1, 2012.
  • Discussion regarding future stringency of the EU climate- protection policies may also get new impetus after Denmark takes over the rotating presidency of the bloc in January, 2012.
  • The price of carbon dioxide in the EU emissions market, the world’s largest has plunged 46 % this year amid speculation that the euro-area debt crisis may worsen and concerns that oversupply of permits may increase following the introduction of new energy-efficiency legislation.
  • Enhancing energy savings would enable the bloc to exceed its 20 % carbon-cut goal, and reduce greenhouse gases by 25 % domestically by 2020.
  • The European cap-and-trade program covers about 50 % of the region’s emissions and was valued at 120 billion euros ($160 billion) last year.
  • The European pledge to extend the Kyoto Protocol targets will create a bridging mechanism for the period between the time when current goals expire and the new legally binding agreement comes into force.
  • The end-date for the 2nd commitment period of Kyoto Protocol will be decided next year although two options of 2017 and 2020 are under consideration.
  • The EU agreed to extend its Kyoto goals after the current ones expire next year even as Canada, Japan and Russia declared that they will not do so.
Posted By:  
Ramesh Kumar Jalan, Ph.D.
Resource Person & Moderator
Climate Change Community, Solution Exchange,
United Nations Development Programme
New Delhi, India

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