Monday, December 12, 2011

Environmental Clearance for 218 Coal Mines Under Different Stages of Approval

As per information given by Coal India Limited (CIL) as on 30.11.2011, there are about 218 mines in CIL (ECL-91, BCCL-103, CCL-20, and MCL-4) which are pre 1994 / legacy mines. These mines did not require any environmental clearance and were being operated on renewal of lease basis. These running mines, consequent to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 2006 notification, have come under the category of violation. CIL has immediately initiated action to obtain the required Environmental Clearances (EC) and are under different stages of approval.

After promulgation of EIA Notifications 2006, with affirmative nod from the MoEF, all these pre 1994 / legacy mines are now clubbed into clusters for obtaining fresh ECs. After prolonged deliberations, MoEF has principally agreed to the cluster concept of old legacy mines and all are being processed accordingly for obtaining ECs.

Actions have been initiated for getting ECs for all 218 mines. In ECL, all 91 such mines are clubbed into 13 clusters for obtaining EC. The proposals for 11 clusters have been submitted to MoEF. TORs (Terms of Reference) have been received for 10 clusters and EIA/ Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for these are under preparation. All 103 old and legacy mines of BCCL grouped into 17 clusters and TORs have been received for 16 of them. In CCL also there are about 20 old operating mines and actions have already been initiated for getting ECs for all. Some of them are in the final stages of getting EC approval from MoEF. In MCL, there are only 4 such mines and actions have been already initiated for getting ECs.

This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Coal, Shri Pratik Prakashbapu Patil in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.

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