Monday, December 12, 2011

Cargo Handling at Major Ports As per the National Maritime Development Programme around 69 projects including improvement of road connectivity and internal roads in some of the ports and for capacity addition of 124.09 million tonnes are in progress and 18 projects for capacity addition of 67.18 million tonnes are approved for which the work is going to commence shortly after completing basic formalities etc. The capacity of the existing road infrastructure available for accessing these ports is sufficient as at present.

The steps taken by the Government to augment the cargo handling capacity of all the major ports are as under:

• Construction of new berths/terminals

• Various expansion/ upgradation projects for berths

• Installation of new and modern equipment

• Upgradation/replacement through higher capacity of cargo handling equipment

• Mechanisation of cargo handling operations

• Various computer aided systems to encourage automation in port operation

• Installation of Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS) for smooth movement of vessels

• Implementation of Web-based Port community system

All the Major Ports in the country are at present having both road and rail connectivity. The projects on rail and road connectivity are implemented mainly by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and the Railways, respectively on BOT basis and through formation of Special Purpose Vehicles in which the port may be an equity holder. In a number of instances, the ports have made significant financial contribution for execution of the road and rail connectivity projects.

The above information was given by the Union Minister of Shipping, Shri G.K. Vasan in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

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