Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sunplant takes Green Business Initiatives’ to prevent eventual economic breakdown.
Kolkata, 8th October, 2011. Sunplant’s journey started 19 years back with the objective principal of eradicating environmental pollution and also pollution from soil and social structure by providing and generating huge employment oppurtunities to poor and down trodden particularly in rural sector of the country. Unemployment is a social menace and this can be removed in greater extent by systematic ‘Green Movement’ and balancing use of chemicals with that of ‘Green Business Initiatives’ to prevent eventual economic breakdown.

Today we are having around 30 lacs soft wood trees and oil bearing plants namely Jatropa Carcus in 3000 acres of land magnifying the rural segment of the country. Besides recent initiation of Jatropha Bio – diesel production through smaller expeller, our significant breakthrough is projecting Algal Bio fuel in technical collaborations with Institute of Generic Engineering, Kolkata. We are member of Biodiesel Association of India Membership no. 80/2009 and having Bio-diesel test reports from National Test House and IIT, Kharagpur.

We have already completed first phase of our Algal Research through its growth study and experimented Bio-mass yielding and oil extraction process in Institute’s Lab. We have designed our own photo membrane Bio-Reactor for optimum Micro Algal growth, cultivation and lipid production.

Our venture in Green Business like producing Bio-fertilizer, Bio-pesticides, fish meal etc is to save us from high-risk health hazards and resorting our soil from chemical intoxication.

We are deeply embarking in Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) to earn carbon credit through our Green Business like massive afforestation, plantation activities, Algae culture for Bio-fuel, CO2 mitigation and production of Bio-fertilizer from De-Oiled Cake (DOC).

Our Venture in Green Business like producing Bio-fertilizer, Bio-pesticides and insecticides, fish meal etc is to save from high-risk health hazards and restoring our soil from chemical intoxication.

We are deeply embarking in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to earn carbon credit through our green business like massive afforestation, plantation activities, Algae culture for Bio-fuel, Co2 mitigation and production of Bio-fertilizer from De-Oiled cake (DOC).

We are now joint venture partner with west Bengal waste land Development Corporation (WBWDC) for technical collaboration, accredation for our Social Forestry Mission. We have also ventured for waste land development in association with West Bengal Waste land Development (WBWDC), Ministry of Forest, Govt. Of West Bengal on 30,000 acres of land provided to us by Govt. for Bio-energy Crop cultivation and mechanical plant with an assurance of further 20,000 acres on successful completion of the project.

It is very much encouraging and worth mentioning here that Organizations like ITC/NTPC, Sumitomo Electric, Osaka Japan have shown their keen interest for joint venture with Sunplant for reducing carbon footprints. We have always got huge cooperation from various Institutions, Universities and Institution of Engineers India under leadership of Prof (Dr.) Sarajit Basu, Ex Head of chemical and Bio-medical Engineering, Mumbai IIT.

In order to upgrade our Green Business Initiatives, we have purchased 470 acres Kalyanpur Tea Estate for Organic tea plantation and manufacturing to touch another mile stone under the banner of Sunplant Tea Estate.

Today we are launching Sunplant Tea and Sunplant anti radiation health care products, solar and other products for healthy living and better lifestyle through this symposium for endorsing magnificent and exciting days ahead.

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