Proposed changes in mining law undesirable

The Bill proposing comprehensive amendments to
the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, (or MMDR Act)
deserves to be examined in some detail.
The Indian mining sector, which was opened up
in 1994, has failed to attract significant FDI flows. It was expected that the
sector would contribute about 8 per cent of the GDP. But its contribution has
declined from 2.7 per cent in 2005-06 to 2.1 per cent in 2011-12. The sector has
suffered high taxation. While the effective taxation for major international
mining companies in other countries is 35-40 per cent (China 32 per cent; Russia
35 per cent; Australia 39 per cent; Chile 40 per cent; Canada 35 per cent),
for India it will exceed 60 per cent, if the new law comes into
The draft Bill has suggested that allocation
of mineral concessions in the case of prospecting licences and mining licences
should be through competitive bidding, where sufficient evidence of mineral
deposits has been established.
It needs to be appreciated that if bidding is
done without ascertaining the availability of mineral resources, it may lead to
speculation with risk of overpaying. Bids will also be impacted by the timing of
auction i.e. high prices during booms and suppressed prices during slow
Moreover, a lessee would like to recover the
cost quickly and go for selective mining. This will increase the input cost and
the price of the final product. No country except Russia and Kyrgyzstan (for
coal) has taken the auction/bidding route. Allocation of minerals through the
competitive bidding route could be considered only in the case of proven
As the auction price will be for entire
deposit, lease rights should exist till the deposit lasts. However, auctioning
of proven reserves will take a long time (10-15 years) as most of the minerals
are unexplored. Till such time, for non-proven reserves, a transparent system
based on first-cum-first-served should be acceptable.
In the draft Bill, the power to grant and
extend mineral concessions is proposed to be transferred to the State
government. However, concessions for coal minerals, atomic minerals and beach
sand minerals shall be granted and extended by the State Government with the
prior approval of the Central Government.
Apart from these, there are other minerals as
well which are of national importance, covered in Part ‘C’ of first Schedule of
MMDR Act 1957 (asbestos, bauxite, chrome ore, copper ore, gold, iron ore, lead,
manganese ore, precious stones and zinc).
Mineral concession for these, crucial for
development of the economy, should also be granted and extended by the State
Government with the prior approval of the Central Government.
The track record of disposal of mineral
concessions by States has not been encouraging, as more than 50,000 mineral
concession applications are pending in various States, along with thousands of
renewal applications. The Centre should, therefore, have a greater say in such
Mining industry is subject to royalty, surface
rent, compensatory afforestation, forest development tax in Karnataka, among
others. The proposed Bill suggests additional taxes and levies like contribution
to District Mineral Foundation (DMF), Central and State cess, CSR, relief and
rehabilitation, and at least one share of the company to project-affected
people. The draft MMDR Bill proposes that industry pay 100 per cent additional
royalty for non-coal minerals and 26 per cent profit for coal and lignite
towards the DMF.
The proposed amendment talks about
contribution to DMF on a provisional basis even if the there is no
A study by the Chawla Committee on the likely
distribution of royalties for major minerals reveals that distribution will be
extremely skewed; 83 per cent districts will have no revenue to speak of and
only 57 out of 627 districts (9.1 per cent) will get 96 per cent of the
royalty.The proposed rate is too high and
would create inflationary pressure. Contribution to DMF should be a reasonable
percentage of royalty (say, 26 per cent) for all minerals, including coal. In
the draft MMDR Act, surface rent has been suggested at a rate prescribed by
State government. It is desirable that the levy should have a linkage with land
revenue, so that surface rent is not set arbitrarily.
The draft Bill proposes levy of a State cess
up to 10 per cent of royalty. Levy of a State cess will put additional burden on
the industry. It would be better if State taxes and duties were to be adjusted
with royalty.
Another proposed amendment provides for making
mining data, including a plan of operations, available in the public domain, or
an official Web site. Data relating to plan of operations being confidential in
nature, this amendment proposal needs to be reviewed.
All the amendments proposed in the draft Bill
would make the amended Act a lengthy legislation, with 139 sections, against 33
in the present Act.This is because a number of
less fundamental issues which ought not to be bestowed the rigidity of a law
find place in the Bill.
They need to be incorporated as Rules so that
these can be modified as and when necessary. There is a need for insulating the
sector from over-taxation and being less competitive. A holistic approach would
place the sector on a sustainable growth trajectory.
-Umesh Shanmugam
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