Airborne Technology Helps
Manage Elephants
Washington, D.C. – For years, scientists have debated
how big a role elephants play in toppling trees in South African savannas. Tree
loss is a natural process, but it is increasing in some regions, with cascading
effects on the habitat for many other species. Using high resolution 3-D
mapping, Carnegie scientists have for the first time quantitatively determined
tree losses across savannas of Kruger National Park. They found that elephants
are the primary agents—their browsing habits knock trees over at a rate
averaging 6 times higher than in areas inaccessible to them. The research also
found that elephants prefer toppling trees in the 16-to-30 foot (5-8 m) range,
with annual losses of up to 20% in these height classes. The findings, published
in Ecology Letters, bolster our understanding of elephant conservation
needs and their impacts, and the results could help to improve savanna
management practices.
“Previous field studies gave us important clues that
elephants are a key driver of tree losses, but our airborne 3-D mapping approach
was the only way to fully understand the impacts of elephants across a wide
range of environmental conditions found in savannas,” commented lead author Greg Asner of Carnegie’s Department of Global Ecology. “Our
maps show that elephants clearly toppled medium-sized trees, creating an
“elephant trap” for the vegetation. These elephant-driven tree losses have a
ripple effect across the ecosystem, including how much carbon is sequestered
from the atmosphere.”
The technology used for monitoring trees is Light Detection
and Ranging (LiDAR), mounted on the fixed-wing Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO). It provides
detailed 3-D images of the vegetation canopy at tree-level resolution using
laser pulses that sweep across the African savanna. The CAO’s lasers can detect
even small changes in each tree’s height, and its vast coverage is far superior
to previous field-based and aerial photographic evaluations.
The scientists considered an array of environmental variables
spread over four study landscapes within Kruger and in very large areas fenced
off to prevent herbivore entry. For years, four of these exclosures have kept
out all herbivores larger than a rabbit. Two other partial enclosures have
permitted entry of herbivores other than elephants. The scientists identified
and monitored 58,000 individual trees from the air, inside and outside of these
exclosures and across the landscape in 2008 and again in 2010. They found that
nearly 9% of the trees decreased in height in two years, and that the mapped
changes in treefall were linked to different climate and terrain conditions.
Most tree losses occurred in lowland areas with more moisture and on soils high
in nutrients that harbor trees preferred by elephants for browsing. Critically,
the partial exclosures definitively identified elephants, as opposed to other
herbivores and fire, as the major agent of tree losses over the two-year
“These spatially explicit patterns of treefall highlight the
challenges faced by conservation area managers in Africa, who must know where
and how their decisions impact ecosystem health and biodiversity. They
should rely on rigorous science to evaluate
alternative scenarios and management options, and the CAO helps provide the
necessary quantification,” commented co-author Shaun Levick.
Danie Pienaar, head of scientific services of the South
African National Parks remarked, “This collaboration between external scientists
and conservation managers has led to exciting and ground-breaking new insights
to long-standing questions and challenges. Knowing where increasing elephant
impacts occur in sensitive landscapes allows park managers to take appropriate
and focused action. These questions have been difficult to assess with
conventional ground-based field approaches over large scales such as those in
Kruger National Park.”
The Carnegie Airborne Observatory and this study are made
possible by the Andrew Mellon Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, W.
M. Keck Foundation, Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment,
Mary Anne Nyburg Baker and G. Leonard Baker Jr., and William R. Hearst
The Department of Global Ecology was
established in 2002 to help build the scientific foundations for a sustainable
future. The department is located on the campus of Stanford University, but is
an independent research organization funded by the Carnegie Institution. Its
scientists conduct basic research on a wide range of large-scale environmental
issues, including climate change, ocean acidification, biological invasions, and
changes in biodiversity.
The Carnegie Institution for Science ( has been a pioneering
force in basic scientific research since 1902. It is a private, nonprofit
organization with six research departments throughout the U.S. Carnegie
scientists are leaders in plant biology, developmental biology, astronomy,
materials science, global ecology, and Earth and planetary science.
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