Thursday, September 6, 2012

Organizers extend registration for 35th World Diamond Congress
Event to be held October 14-17, 2012, at the prestigious Taj Land's End, Mumbai, India
Antwerp, Belgium -- September 5, 2012: The organizers of the 35th World Diamond Congress (WDC) announced they have extended the date for general registration to the event until the end of the month of September, this is response to numerous requests.
In a message on the 35th WDC website the organizers said that in response "to requests received from many delegates wishing to attend the Congress, who have not been able to register for various reasons, the Congress Organising Committee has decided to extend the date for general registration fees of $ 750 (accompanying person $ 500) till September 30th. The late fee of an additional $100 will be applicable from October 1st to October 7th, and registration will now close on October 7th, 6 p.m. India Standard Time)"
IDMA Secretary General Ronnie VanderLinden thanked the organizing hosts, the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) and the Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB), for taking this considerate step. "As the diamond business communities in Belgium, Israel and elsewhere came back from their summer leave only toward the end of August, many delegates had not yet been able to register and make their travel arrangements. At the same time, we are urging ALL delegates and participants to the 35th World Diamond Congress to register and book their rooms as soon as possible," VanderLinden stated.

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About IDMA

IDMA was founded and convened for the first time in 1946, in Antwerp. It is committed to fostering and promoting the highest ideals of honesty and best practice principles throughout the global diamond industry, as well as full compliance with all relevant national and international laws. The organization has developed and adopted a Code of Conduct, which is binding on all 15 member associations. IDMA also works to encourage fair and honorable practices and decent working conditions for industry employees; and to preserve, protect and promote consumer trust and confidence in diamonds. It encourages and supports social responsibility by the industry in respect to all citizens of the world.

The Association has played an active role in establishing the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and is a co-founder of the World Diamond Council. 

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