Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Production & Availability of Fertilizers in the Country During September 2011

In September, 2011 production of Urea had been marginally less than the target by 0.62 lakh MT. Estimated production of Urea during September, 2011 was 17.66 lakh MT against the target of 18.28 lakh MT. Estimated production of DAP during the month was 3.25 lakh MT as against the target of 4.22 lakh MT. Production of DAP had been less than the target by 0.97 lakh MT.

During September 2011, approximately 25.17 lakh MT (both indigenous and imported) urea was despatched to various States. Availability of urea during the month of September 2011 was about 28.00 lakh MT and availability was satisfactory in all the States. Further, sale of Urea in the current season up to 30.9.2011 was about 139.21 lakh MT which is higher by 10.47% as compared to the sale of 126.02 lakh MT in the corresponding period of the previous year.

As regards decontrolled fertilizers, availability of DAP and MOP during the month of September 2011 had been about 11.32 lakh MT and 0.64 lakh MT respectively, which was adequate to meet the demand of the States.

During the month of September 2011, 8.33 lakh MT of urea was imported of which 1.12 lakh MT was imported from OMIFCO, Oman and 7.21 lakh MT from others. In addition, 8.64 lakh MT of DAP, 1.29 lakh MT of MAP, 3.91 lakh MT of NPK and 3.16 lakh MT of MOP was also imported into the country.

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