Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs & Water Resources Pawan Kumar Bansal releases the Central Water Commission Report on “Water Quality Hot-spots in Rivers of India”

Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal, Minister of Water Resources and Parliamentary Affairs released the Central Water Commission Report, entitled “Water Quality Hot-spots in Rivers of India” today at Ministry of Water Resources Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi.

Speaking on the occasion, the Water Resources Minister Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal emphasized that our rivers need to be protected from addition of untreated sewage to it regularly. He said that the Report will serve as a foundation for other in-depth pollution studies by the Central Water Commission in future. The report will be sent to the State Chief Ministers and the Pollution Control Boards of the States to take necessary steps for the prevention of pollution of the rivers, he said.

Chairman CWC Shri Ram Chandra Jha, Secretary Ministry of Water Resources Shri Dhruv Vijay Singh, Additional Secretary Ministry of Water Resources Shri G Mohan Kumar, Joint Secretary & Member Secretary Water Quality Assessment Authority Shri Sudhir Garg were among those present on the occasion.

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