Tuesday, November 1, 2011

ACC - Consolidated Results for Third Quarter (July-September) 2011

Total consolidated sales turnover was Rs. 2283.42 crore, up from Rs. 1759.18 crore in the corresponding quarter last year. Profitability was lower as compared to the immediate previous quarter on account of ascending input costs, particularly of coal, petroleum products, slag and fly ash.

Profit before Tax in the third quarter was Rs. 220.74 crore as against Rs. 130.28 crore in the same quarter of the preceding year. Similarly profit after Tax was Rs. 159.31 crore in this quarter, as compared to Rs. 86.31 crore in the corresponding quarter of previous year.

Production from our cement projects in Wadi and the new line in Chanda have both stabilised. The supply of domestic coal, our principal source of energy, has been grim, affecting cement as well as the power sector. The overall outlook for coal in terms of both availability and pricing is not favorable.

A pick-up in demand for cement is likely post monsoon with a similar impact on our despatches in the coming months; though we do not expect it to be very robust in view of concerns about a slowdown in economic growth. However in the long term we maintain a positive outlook for cement as we believe the fundamentals of the economy remain strong.

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