Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lifecycle strategies keep steel plant performance competitive

Continuously changing production conditions affect steel plant performance along the complete lifecycle. For steelmakers to stay competitive even after 40 years since plant start up, Siemens Metals Technologies is developing new solutions to secure plant operations and plant performance over the entire life-time of the installed equipment. “Lifecycle partnerships between plant operators and Siemens will help to maintain state-of-the-art plant performance while setting new standards for steel production,” stated Werner Auer, CEO of Siemens Metals Technologies, on the occasion of the International Media Summit in Mexico City. “Only jointly can we develop and implement the solutions needed to manage steel plants even better and keep them competitive over their entire lifecycle.” At the same time steel operations become more and more integrated. New automation packages and the implementation of new IT-applications create new levers for better managing the entire production chain of steel making.

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