Monday, October 3, 2011

New and Emerging Challenges to be Discussed at Delhi Ministerial Dialogue 

Prior to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), or Rio +20,to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June, 2012,the Delhi Ministerial Dialogue will secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development, assess progress on implementation and remaining gaps, and address new and emerging challenges.

The two-day conference will begin from tomorrow. Representatives of about 54 countries and 12 UN agencies will discuss about a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, and the institutional framework for sustainable development. The Dialogue seeks to advance understanding and promote the achievement of consensus on key issues related to green economy and inclusive growth, with a particular focus on how green economy strategies and policies can be integrated with food security and energy security objectives. The discussions may cover aspects like recognising poverty eradication as indispensible to sustainable development and identifying policy interventions to integrate Green Economy with poverty eradication, food security and energy security, identifying the policies needed at national, regional & global level to promote access of the poor to food and energy at affordable prices; devising strategies to generate productive employment and build economic resilience, particularly for the poor; assessing the role of various factors in promoting sustainable agricultural production and enhancing food security including investment in natural capital, keeping in mind differentiated needs of subsistence agriculture and market-oriented crops and adopting a farmer-centric approach; delineating the most promising options for the energy mix, including greater exploitation of renewable energy resources and mobilising investment therefor; identifying meaningful ways for enhancing efficiencies along the energy supply chain and ensuring energy conservation on demand side including sustainable life styles; formulating the elements of a package on technology development, cooperation and transfer, and strengthening of technological capabilities in developing countries; developing a framework of financial requirements and mobilisation.

The Dialogue also seeks to promote common understanding of how enhanced international cooperation can ensure that green economy strategies and policies reinforce developing countries’ poverty eradication and social development goals. This includes consideration of means of implementation such as partnerships for technology cooperation, financing and capacity building.

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