Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Impact of Mining on Forests

The Central Government accorded prior approval under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, for diversion of forest land for mining of minerals such as iron ore, bauxite ore, coal, lignite, limestone, manganese ore, chromites, calcite, salt, granite, marble, sandstone, soap stone, sand, boulders, masonry stone, copper, etc. Some of the mines pertaining to these minerals are located in dense forests. The mineral–wise detail of the forest land diverted for mining purposes is being compiled and will be placed before the house.

Diversion of forest land for mining purpose does results in loss of the forests in the area actually broken up for mining. However, to compensate the loss of forest land and mitigate the other adverse impacts, the diversion of forest land for mining purposes is subject to the creation and maintenance of compensatory afforestation, maintenance and regeneration of safety zone, soil conservation measures, phased reclamation of mined area and payment of the Net Present Value (NPV) to be utilized for regeneration and protection of forests.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Environment and Forests (independent charge) Shri Jairam Ramesh in a written reply to a question by S/ Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad And Ram Jethmalani in Rajya Sabha today.

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