Thursday, July 5, 2012

Allocation of Work to Minister of State (Expenditure & Financial Services) in Ministry of Finance

                The Prime Minister has approved allocation relating to following items of work to Shri Namo Narain Meena, Minister of State (Expenditure & Financial Services) in addition to the work already allocated to the Minister of State vide Department of Expenditure’s Office Order No. A-22012/1/2006-Admn.I (i) dated 5.6.2009.  The approved allocation of work  vide Office Order No. 260/15/C/001/2012-ES.I dated 29.06.2012 of the Prime Minister’s Office is as follows:

(A)    Common to all Departments (Expenditure, Financial Services and Economic Affairs):

(a)      Answering all Starred and Unstarred Questions (after Minister-in-charge has been briefed on replies for starred questions) and all Parliamentary workincluding verification and authentication of notifications, other documents, reports etc. which are required to be laid on the Table of either House.
(b)           Disposal of VIP references.
(c)           All disciplinary cases — both for initiation and final orders.
(d)      Cases related to appointment, promotion, resignation and   voluntary retirement of officers below Deputy Secretary level in services   under the Ministry of Finance.
(e)      Appeals/Petitions in disciplinary cases
(f)    Cases of training/deputation abroad.
(g)   Cases relating to premature retirement under FR 56 and Rule 48 of Pension Rules.

(B)         The following items relating to the  Department of Expenditure are delegated to the MoS:

(a)       Proposals to be placed before the Cabinet Committee on Accommodation.
(b)     Proposals relating to revision of salaries and allowances consequent to the recommendations made by the 6th Pay Commission,
(c)           Cases approved by PIB and EFC.
(d)    Proposals related to sanction of Non-Plan expenditure upto Rs. 300 crore. Cases of Rs. 300 crore and above which require Cabinet/CCEA approval will be put up to the Minister in­-charge (PM).

(e)               Approval of plan schemes (including PPP Projects) with original cost estimates upto Rs. 300 crore. Forprojects costing less than Rs. 300 crore, increase beyond 20% of last approved cost estimates, resulting in an absolute cost escalation of greater than Rs. 100 crore will be put up to the Minister in- charge (PM). For Projects costing Rs. 300 crore orabove, increase in cost upto 20% (First RCE) and upto 5% (Second RCE) of the last approved cost estimates beyond changes due to price escalation, statutory levies and exchange rate variation, shall be approved by the MoS.
(f)    All demands likely to figure as Supplementaries.
(g)   Assistance to States including assistance for natural calamities and the National Calamity Contingency Fund.

(C)       The following items of work relating to the Department of Economic Affairs are delegated to the MoS:

(a)      National Savings Organization and small saving related matters.
(b)      Matters pertaining to currency and coinage

(D), The following items of work relating to the Department of  Financial Services are delegated to the MoS:

(a)        All matters except those meant for Cabinet and its Committees and policy matters.
(b)             Appointment of non-official Directors in Boards of PSBs.

(E) All other matters not specifically delegated to the MoS  will be submitted directly to the Prime Minister.

 2.                 Comments of the Finance Ministry in all major proposals for consideration of the Cabinet or its Committees will besubmitted to Minister-in-charge (PM),

3. In all cases where a draft Note for the Cabinet or its Committees has been sent to more than one Department  of theMinistry of Finance for comments, one consolidated file is to be put up for orders of PM in the manner laid down below:

(a)        In respect of draft notes which have been formulated based on the recommendations of EFC/PIB, the consolidated file would be put up by Secretary (Expenditure) after obtaining the comments from other Departments as the case may be.

(b)        In all other cases, Finance Secretary will put up the consolidated file.

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