Monday, October 31, 2011

Internet browsing emerged as the No. 1 habit for consumers using Internet on their mobile handsets followed by Email and Chatting, as per the Nielsen study ‘Internet Usage Study’ commissioned by Nokia

Other top findings include:

v Internet browsing and not Email, Chatting or Social Networking is the No. 1 habit for consumers using Internet on their mobile handsets. Email and Chatting come in at No. 2, followed by Social Networking at No. 3.
v ‘Good Internet Speed’* defines good overall internet experience on the mobile when it comes to browsing, emailing and chatting; and doing social networking.
v Nokia emerged as the most preferred brand for ‘Internet experience’ amongst consumers in the sub Rs 6000 handset price category across eight cities in India. These consumers experienced internet and social networking on handsets from different brands including Samsung, Micromax, GFive, Spice and Motorola.

Research Size and Methodology:

Males / Females ration:
Age Group:
15-35 yrs
Delhi, Lucknow, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai
Sampling method:
Interview technique:
Face to face interview. Each consumer experienced two handsets- one Nokia and one brand brand hey choose
Same operator was used in all handset devices
Handset models tested
All brands under Rs. 6000 price range including Samsung, GFive, Micromax and Motorola

Insight #1 Consumer internet usage preferences and frequency on their mobile handset.

Internet browsing and not Email, Chatting or Social Networking is the No. 1 habit for consumers using Internet on their mobile handsets. Email and Chatting come in at No. 2, followed by Social Networking
at No. 3.

Insight #2 Internet has emerged in the top 5 consideration set in 2011 for consumers while making a handset purchase decision in the sub Rs. 6000 price category

2008 – 2010
Top drivers
Top drivers
Screen Resolution
Internet Connectivity
Type of Input Format
FM Radio

Insight #3 Key considerations that define good experience for consumers for browsing, emailing/chatting and social networking on the mobile handset

Good internet speed* emerged as the most important feature while using mobile internet in the sub Rs 6000 handset price category for all services including internet browsing, social networking, email& chatting.
Refer to the charts below

Insight #4 Rating on ‘importance’ level associated with key considerations on handsets that these consumers currently own

Within Internet Browsing, top three considerations include ‘site pages opening quickly, quick and easy copy & paste of web addresses and speed of browsing.

Within Chatting / emailing all considerations which include seems to be of equal important. when it comes to either chatting or emailing.

Within Social networking, top three considerations include ‘scrapping, update status, uploading and able to create online communities and able to access multiple sites.

Insight #5 Top websites browsed by consumers


Insight #6 Consumer preference specific to handset brands

Nokia emerged as the most preferred brand for ‘Internet experience’ amongst consumers in the sub Rs 6000 handset price category across eight cities in India. These consumers experienced internet and social networking on handsets from different brands including Samsung, Micromax, GFive, Spice and Motorola.

Ø Nokia Handsets were preferred by 82% of the overall respondents using various handsets.
Ø Out of overall Nokia handset users 84% still preferred Nokia handsets
Ø Out of overall Competition handset* (refer to handset used) users 80 % preferred Nokia handsets

*Good internet speed is decided by many factors including the network connectivity

ZF – The specialist for chassis technology and drive systems

ZF is a leading worldwide automotive supplier for Driveline and Chassis Technology with 117 production companies in 26 countries. With its workforce of approximately 70,000 employees, ZF achieved sales of 12.9 billion euros in 2010. In order to continue to be successful with innovative products, ZF annually invests about five percent of its sales (2010: 646 million EUR) in Research and Development.

Industrial Technology is the division where the ZF Group bundles its activities for “Off3Road” applications. It comprises the development and production of transmissions and axles for agricultural and construction machinery as well as driveline technology for material handling systems, rail and special driveline vehicles. The division is also responsible for the worldwide business of marine propulsion systems, aviation technology as well as the development and production of wind power transmissions. Electronic components, shift and test
systems for all kinds of applications are also included in the division’s portfolio.

ZF’s presence in India spans over three decades through joint ventures and license agreements. In 2007 ZF started its wholly owned subsidiary in India, ZF India Private Limited. The headquarter is located in Pune and represents ZF’s varied product divisions for Sales, Localisation and product support activities. The group’s Off'road drive'line business unit has already started their local production in Pune for axle and transmission aggregates for the Construction Equipment sectors.

Since early this year axles and power'shift transmissions for backhoe loaders are produced from this location for key OEMs in India and overseas. Localisation of further drive'line aggregates like wheel loader axles are already projected. Recently the group’s Commercial & Special Drive'line technology division had inaugurated their plant in Pune for production of Truck gearboxes.

Furthermore, ZF is exceedingly increasing its service presence in India. Currently there are ZF owned service centers in Pune, Raipur, Bangalore and a dealer location in Delhi. The motive is to quicken response time to field requirements. It is quite evident that the Indian market is one of the key strategic markets for ZF and the group has ambitious plans in India.

Product program:

Tractor transmissions
Planetary rigid axles
Planetary steering axles
Hydrostatic powershift transmissions
Hydrodynamic powershift transmissions
Elevator drives
Mixer drives
Electric drives
Portal axles, 'systems
Single'drive axles, 'systems
Independent front axle suspensions
Axle inserts
Bevel gear sets
Tie rods, Drag links
Torque rods
Test systems

The group’s product divisions involve a high degree of specialization. This competence linked with the experience in project management is the basis for ZF'system projects. As a competent supplier of components, units, systems and system modules ZF meets the requirements of the car' and mechanical
engineering industry. Today ZF takes the responsibility from the project phase over the planning, product development, testing, production development, quality assurance and the logistics up to serial production. The ready'to'install modules or system modules are delivered just'in'time or just'in'sequence. In this way the vehicle manufacturers cooperating with ZF reduce their interfaces to a minimum. Today ZF delivers complete driveline systems (axles, transmissions, electronics) for off'road equipment as well as complete front' and rear axle systems for on'road vehicles. For system solutions the synergy of the innovation capacities as well as the testing' and development potential of all ZF company divisions are used and applied specifically.

Together with ZF as system partner customers benefit from numerous cost saving potentials such as reduced development, logistics, installation and handling expenditure. The stronger and more comprehensive the cooperation, the better and larger are the resulting synergies. In its position as global player, ZF has a
worldwide service network of 700 after'sales centers, thus providing optimum customer support on site.
Wherever a manufacturer wants to export his vehicle to, the ZF Service is already on the spot.

Drawn steel center at Flanschenwerk Bebitz offers 30 percent higher productivity

Flanschenwerk Bebitz, Germany, has placed an order with SMS Meer, Germany, for a new drawn steel center of type BC 120. The plant has a peeling speed of up to 40 m/min and is therefore around 30 percent more productive than conventional plants. The improved economy is achieved thanks to a particularly robust design which enables very high peeling speeds.

The scope of supply includes a FP5 double-sided milling and chamfering machine, a PMS 125 peeling machine, a WRP 120 B two-roll straightening machine, the integration of a test section for surface defects, a strip grinder and the comprehensive bar handling system.

The plant peels, straightens and tests special-steel round bars of various grades. The machines process material with diameters of 25 to 120 mm and bar lengths of 3 to 6 m. The bar diameter can be reduced by up to 10 mm. Low changing times also ensure Bebitz can offer the desired flexibility. ‘’With the new plant we can offer more individually customized solutions to meet our customers’ requirements,’’ says Udo Gebel, Production Manager for bright drawn steel at Flanschenwerk Bebitz+. ‘’Wath’s more, with the SMS Meer plant we can expect to attain maximum product quality."